Óscar Hahn

Óscar Arturo Hahn Garcés (born 1938 in Iquique, Chile)[1] is a Chilean writer and poet.[2] Known in Chile as one of the writers of the Generation of the 70s (also known as the "Dispersed" or "Decimated Generation" - "Generacion Trilce"),[3] Hahn studied at the Pedagogical Institute of Santiago during his youth.[4] His first steps in poetry can be traced back to his adolescence in Rancagua.[1]

In 1959 he won the Student Federation of Chile's Prize in Poetry. In the year 1961 he won the Society of Chilean Writers' Alerce Prize for the work This Black Rose (Esta Rosa Negra).[5] In 1967 he won the Unique Prize of the First Contest in Northern Poetry of the University of Chile for the (then) regional seat of Antofagasta.[6]

He studied and set himself to the University of Chile's Curriculum in the Teaching of Literature while in residence at Arica.[4] In 1972 he was awarded the degree of Master of Arts by the University of Iowa, USA[7] and was named a member of the International Writers' Program there.[8] He returned to Chile, where he took a job as Adjunct Professor at the University of Chile, Arica. In the next year, 1973, his life would change dramatically, due to political developments in his home country; on 11 September of that year, during the Chilean coup of 1973 he was detained by the newly-installed military government of Augusto Pinochet, which had displaced the progressive government of the democratically-elected leader Salvador Allende.[1]

Later interviewed about his experiences, Hahn remarked: "September 11 is a difficult date for me to forget, not only on account of the things that happened in the country at large but also because they took me prisoner, and they took me as a prisoner the very same night of September 11, which was deadly serious, since in that very moment they were just killing people without even asking them their names, just totally at random. It was a lottery, and I believe that I'm alive thanks to sheer chance, because there were people who were detained with me and they shot them dead; this could just as well happened to me, I don't know what reason took them away, instead of me, or instead of any of the others that survived." [9]

Hahn left Chile in 1974 to set down new roots in the USA.[10] He was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by the University of Maryland College Park,[10] and between 1978 and 1988 he collaborated in the composition of the Handbook of Latin American Studies issued by the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. He is a member of the Chilean Academy of Language,[11] and sat on theorganizing committee for the Comités del V Congreso Internacional de la Lengua Española (CILE).[12]

Hahn won the Society of Chilean Writers' Alerce Prize,[5] the Municipal Prize of Santiago,[13], the Altazor Prize (2003)[14] and the Pablo Neruda Prize (2011) [15] He has taught Latin American literature at the University of Iowa.[16]



  1. ^ a b c Casasús, Mario (18 April 2006). "«Cruzo la frontera del amor para llegar a la muerte, y la de la muerte para llegar al amor»" (in Spanish). La Ventana. http://laventana.casa.cult.cu/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=3146. 
  2. ^ White, Steven F (22 March 2001). "Stolen Verses and Other Poems. (Translations):(Review)". World Literature Today. http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-27169807_ITM. 
  3. ^ "Óscar Hahn cumple sueño adolecente" (in Spanish). Informador. 6 October 2009. http://www.informador.com.mx/cultura/2009/143436/6/oscar-hahn-cumple-sueno-adolecente.htm. 
  4. ^ a b "Poeta Oscar Hahn ofrece un curso gratuito en Las Condes" (in Spanish). La Segunda. 2 June 2006. http://www.lasegunda.com/ediciononline/espectaculos/detalle/index.asp?idnoticia=283217. 
  5. ^ a b Rojas, Daniel (13 April 2008). "Semblanzas Profundas: Óscar Hahn" (in Spanish). El Morro Cotudo. http://www.elmorrocotudo.cl/admin/render/noticia/14837. 
  6. ^ "José Morales Salazar: Poeta de la Tierra y del Hombre" (in Spanish). El Nortero. 14 October 2008. http://www.elnortero.cl/admin/render/noticia/17292. 
  7. ^ "Chilean poet in residence". Gettysburg Times. 22 October 1977. p. 6. http://news.google.co.uk/newspapers?id=4o0yAAAAIBAJ&sjid=9OgFAAAAIBAJ&pg=4407,704560&dq=%C3%B3scar-hahn+university-of-iowa&hl=en. 
  8. ^ "IWP alumni Oscar Hahn wins premio del consejo nacional del libro prize". University of Iowa. 9 August 2007. http://at-lamp.its.uiowa.edu/virtualwu/index.php/main/entry/iwp_alumni_oscar_hahn_wins_premio_del_consejo_nacional_del_libro_prize/. 
  9. ^ "Oscar Hahn y 1973: estoy vivo gracias al azar" (in Spanish). Educar Chile. http://www.educarchile.cl/Portal.Base/Web/VerContenido.aspx?GUID=cf7a2665-ec5f-4a65-b44c-dbe725cab86b&ID=107091. 
  10. ^ a b Eva Goldschmidt Wyman, ed (2002). Los poetas y el general: voces de oposición en Chile bajo Augusto Pinochet. Lom ediciones. p. 470. ISBN 956-282-491-8. http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=vWs4wT5kv-0C&printsec=frontcover&dq=%22%C3%B3scar+hahn%22+%22detained%22&cd=1#v=onepage&q=hahn&f=false. 
  11. ^ "Nomina de Miembros". Academia Chilena de la Lengua. http://www.institutodechile.cl/lengua/nomina.htm. 
  12. ^ "Organización: Comités del V Congreso Internacional de la Lengua Española (CILE)". http://pruebas.congresochile.cervantes.es/organizacion/default.htm. 
  13. ^ "Poeta Oscar Hahn ofrece un curso gratuito en Las Condes" (in Spanish). La Segunda. 2 Jun 2006. http://www.lasegunda.com/ediciononline/espectaculos/detalle/index.asp?idnoticia=283217. 
  14. ^ "Europa News" (in Spanish). 5 OCtober 2009. http://www.europapress.es/cultura/noticia-oscar-hahn-vivimos-epoca-dalomismo-indeterminacion-20091005180000.html. 
  15. ^ "Sebastián Piñera entregó Premio Pablo Neruda al poeta Oscar Hahn" (in Spanish). http://www.latercera.com/noticia/cultura/2011/07/1453-379096-9-sebastian-pinera-entrego-premio-pablo-neruda-al-poeta-oscar-hahn.shtml. 
  16. ^ "Hija de José Donoso denunció mal uso de textos privados del escritor" (in Spanish). El universo. 10 May 2003. http://www.eluniverso.com/2003/05/10/0001/261/46B717B275084E9296DB6196055B25D2.html.